It’s the beginning It was the international financial crisis of 2008 when Juan & Javi were finishing their MBA at Stanford University, and they decided to found Resuelve tu Deuda with the goal of helping people pay off their debts.
Hello, Resuelve tu Deuda
“It was September 2009 when Resuelve started operations with Juan, Javi, “Pepe”, “Chaparro”, Tere y “El Dr. Amat”
Now we´re more than 1,900 employees boosting the financial future of people around the world.
Now we´re more than 1,900 employees boosting the financial future of people around the world.
After four months Resuelve already had 343 customers. A good network and the support of friends and family made it possible.
Resuelve quickly became the #1 solution for debt settlement.
Stanford University recognized Resuelve tu Deuda as a success story in the report: “Fintech in Emerging Markets”.
Building Financial Freedom, One Country at a Time
Fueled by the passion to transform lives, Resuelve expanded its reach globally, opening offices in Colombia. Their mission? To empower people to take control of their finances.
Olé, Spain!
This dedication took them across the globe, bringing financial education and debt solutions to Spain. In just a short time, Resuelve helped more people achieve financial freedom.
Olá, Portugal!
Olá, Portugal! The journey continued in 2020, with Portugal welcoming Resuelve’s innovative solutions.
Ciao, Italy!
A year later, and in the middle of the pandemic, that didn’t stop us, thanks to all the teamwork and people who trusted us to transform their financial lives, we started operations in Italy and continue with our global expansion.
But we didn’t stop there…
During these years, the number of people who paid their debts with us is something like five times the number of people that fit inside the Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro.
Oí, Brazil! And in 2022 we will open our branch office in Brazil to continue empowering people to take back control of their finances.
In 2023, Bravo was born
In our DNA is to continue transforming ourselves, that is why after 14 years, in 2023 we decided to take a step into the future and improve our brand, we are now Bravo.
Bravo is the solution that drives all those brave people who want to regain control of their finances. They are brave people who want to leave their debts behind and want to rejoin the credit system.